Pagans celebrate the wheel of the year. We celebrate 8 sabbats.
The witches new year is our third harvest sabbat and coincides with Halloween it’s called Samhain. It’s pronounced Sow-wen and it’s an ancient Gaelic word that means the end of summer. This is a special time because the veil between worlds is thin and many ancestors and spirits visit during this time. It’s marked astrologically as Scorpio which also corresponds with the cycle of death and renewal. During this time we use apples to bond with the gods and goddesses and revere nature and her seasons as natural and necessary change that brings balance to our world.
As the world around us grows darker, we prepare to go within. Our harvest complete, we store and stock for barren cold days. Withdrawing is important, informative and transformative. Enduring makes us stronger. Transforming, also makes us stronger as it integrates the light and the dark.
This is a highly psychic time. So stay grounded and in your heart space.
To honor your ancestors, place pictures out and leave a spot at the table and invite them to join you. You can always write them a letter and read it aloud or take turns saying something you enjoyed about the person who’s transcended this time space dimension. Put a candle in the window and leave the window open to light the way for your ancestors. Pumpkins are thought to ward off evil so be sure to have at least one this Samhain!
Blessed be!! Blessed Samhain!
This year Samhain is concurrent with a Full moon (a blue moon no less!!) In the fixed earth sign of Taurus who opposes Scorpio!

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