Natal Chart/Planetary Influence



Astrology is the study of the planets and their influence on humans, given a time, place and date. There are many different forms and philosophies of astrology tropical, western, sidereal, Vedic, esoteric, modern, traditional. It is a tool for self/soul discovery. Each planet emanates a certain power and energy that affect and impact  the human condition. Having your natal chart read is like knowing the stuff you are made of. A natal chart can inform and be used as a tool for transformation. The planets can also represent archetypical energy of the mother the father, War, The Goddess, The Underworld, etc. Astrologers use 12 houses (Bhava) and 12 zodiac signs (some use 13).

Natal chart reading is 1hour and will require either WhatsApp or Zoom for the reading. Please print off your chart and have a copy for you to take notes on during  your reading.